sasuke and kakashi threesome

I've been looking for good fanfics set Naruto not Naruto Shippuden, if that makes sense. :/ Like I hate Sasuke in Shippuden, he just pisses me off, but I love him in
And now sexy sakura and sasuke picture! Sign in with your YouTube Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to add Shinuya 's video
Naruto & Sasuke, Brothers of the Leaf

Acherona | FanFiction
sasuke and kakashi threesome
Acherona | FanFiction Naruto-Sakura x Sasuke, Sakura x Kakashi.
sasuke and kakashi threesome
Acherona | FanFiction Sakura and Sasuke sexy love - YouTubeNaruto-Sakura x Sasuke, Sakura x Kakashi.
eftee | FanFiction
NC-17 /! Attention /! Ces fictions ont été classées NC-17 par les auteurs. Merci de respecter ces textes. Vous êtes donc prévues de la teneur adultes de ceux ci.
Acherona is a fanfiction author that has written 83 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, Kuroshitsuji, Dark-Hunter series, Star Trek: 2009, Merlin, Harry Potter, and
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